Saturday, June 22, 2013

in motion

I'm leaving the desert in the next couple days, spending a few days in San Diego, and then back to Chicago to resume life.  I'm sad to leave here.  I'm happiest in the sun, near the mountains and ocean.  But I'm excited to start a new school, yoga, and going back to my gym.  I also miss my cats and my big bulldog Gus, and as much as they drive me cray cray, I do miss my family.

While I was here I had a good exercise buddy.  Every night around 10pm he would make sure we went for a walk.  At first it was less than a mile.  But we worked up to two miles.  Even if I didn't want to, which was most of the time, he got me up and off we went.  Even if I had gone to bed really early, I would wake up later, and no matter what time it was, I'd get out of bed for his little hopeful face.  I would never have done it for myself. 

When I first got here three months ago it hurt to walk.  The backs of my legs were so tight and the next day I could barely move and I was feeling actual physical pain.  Now I have no problems, thanks to Clyde.  Yay, progress!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I went a few weeks without weighing myself and feeling really depressed.  I've been off my anti-depressants for a few months and I really don't want to go back on them, but it was getting really bad.  Then, poof!  Suddenly I felt better.  I think I need to do some research on PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) because I have all the symptoms. 

Anyway, I finally got on the scale and I've met my first weight goal.  50 pounds down!  This means I can start yoga when I get home in a couple weeks.

The 50 pounds came at four months post-op.  I had really been hoping it would happen at two, but I'm not disappointed or beating myself up.  It's been hard getting to this point, and I'm still learning and failing, and trying again and figuring it all out.  There's a lot of food issues I still need to work out in my head and I still have the really bad habit of wanting to eat late at night.  But, I've done what I can and I've lost 50 pounds and that's more than I've ever lost on my own.  So I'm very happy about it.

I can finally say I'm really glad I had this surgery.  I never could've done this on my own.  I've had a lot of stress the last few weeks and that's when my sleeve has really kicked in and saved me, and prevented me from eating thousands of calories in comfort foods.  I admit I still ate some, but my sleeve would only let me eat so much.  So, yes.  I love my sleeve and I'm striving to work WITH it.